It has been an interesting week weather-wise. We started out last Friday (12/12) with high winds from the south that whipped up the Sound and sent the waves crashing on the beach. Luckily our electricity stayed on. I think the storms two years ago knocked down all the trees that were liable to topple over and take out the power lines.

There were some striking sun breaks late in the day. I once heard this sort of image described as God poking a finger through the clouds.

Late on Saturday (12/13) it began snowing and this is what we woke up to on Sunday. There was only about 2 inches (max!) but oh so pretty.

On Monday (12/14) we tromped down our ravine looking for a possible Christmas tree. There was nothing remotely suitable but it was really pretty standing down in the shadows looking up at the sunshine. We saw deer tracks and a spot where the deer had curled up next to a clump of ferns. Snow covered everything except the deer-sized bare patch.

A close-up shot of the Olympic Mountains with snow from peak to beach. The temperatures kept dropping. Tuesday morning I went for a walk and it was 19 degrees Farenheit when I left at 7:30 am. It never got above freezing that day.

During this patch of cold weather I have been working on some indoor projects. Normally, I paint furniture in the garage. However, it has been too cold in there so I set up a painting area in our oversized entry. On Wednesday I cleaned up, put the dresser back in the guest bedroom and also recovered the chair seat.

Wednesday evening's sunset. Still very cold so not much of Sunday's snow had melted.

On Thursday it warmed up to just above freezing--34 degrees was the warmest I saw all day. The snow melted back a little but more started to fall. This submarine was headed out to the Pacific Ocean as flakes swirled around it. (Did you know you can enlarge any of these pictures by double clicking on it?)

We had more snow last night. Early this morning I was out walking with a neighbor and saw a row of arbor vitae that the deer have cropped. The plants looked quite striking against the white of the snow and the grays of the sky and Sound.

This "Monkey Puzzle" tree looked a little chilly, like it needed more clothes!

There is still not lots of snow but it is once more very cold--about 27 degrees today. The fresh dusting really makes it look Christmasy.
If you are just checking out our blog be sure and check back again next week when I will add some family holiday pics. In the meantime enjoy the season whatever the weather is where you are!