Sunday, April 29, 2012

Putting Things In Order

To start with, here are a few pictures from our stay in Diano Marina. We were up early enough to see the sun rise and this is what it looked like:

Later in the morning I took a few more photos from the balcony of our room. You can see the main part of the town through the Palm trees.

The lawn chairs are located on the deck over the restaurant. A little later in the morning there were fishermen on the rocks in this pictures.

Since our arrival we have mostly spent our time putting things in order. The place was in good shape but our renters had left things arranged differently than we prefer. Also, all our clothes were packed away so one of the first things we did was unpack those and settle into our bedroom. After being closed up all winter a fair amount of cleaning is needed as well--lots of dust-- which is to be expected in an urban environment. I am also once more at war with the pigeons. Our veranda needed a thorough scrub down which I did yesterday morning.

We also needed to get our internet "chiavetta" (also called an internet key or dongle) operational and make sure our cell phones worked. Our main number (a pay as you go phone) goes inactive if money is not put on it every 11 months and it had been a little more than that the last time we did it. As you can tell it is all working just fine now.

The kitchen also needed stocking and I did our big initial shopping yesterday. We now have most of the staples we need for our stay as well as fresh food to last several days. Tempting as it is, we cannot eat out all the time. Last night when I was making dinner I discovered that I had forgotten to buy vinegar for salads. However, I had purchased tiny onions marinated in balsamic vinegar. So, I popped the top on the onion jar and spooned some of the balsamic marinade from it onto our salads. It tasted great!

Yesterday I also put together the paperwork for the renewals of our Permessi di Soggiorno--our long stay permits. Tomorrow we head to the post office (where the paperwork is submitted) to see if I filled out the forms correctly. Hopefully, the process will go as smoothly as it did the last time.

We got up early this morning and went to a marcia podistica. More about that the next time.

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