Thursday, May 17, 2012

It Laid an Egg!!!

I might have mentioned that dealing with the pigeons on our balcony is a constant battle. We have spike strips along the railings and on top of most surfaces. Nonetheless the pigeons keep coming back and trying to infiltrate the premises. WE are planning to add more spike strips to places like the tops of the lights but we cannot put them on EVERY surface.

Every time I see a pigeon out there I go shoo them off. Today I saw one sitting on the pavement in the far corner of the balcony under the chaise lounge. It's not a common spot for them. Usually they are on top of the light or on the railing (in spite of the spike strips). I popped open the door and banged around until it flew off. As I was closing the door I saw a flash of white down where the pigeon had been.

I looked closer and amazingly I saw that the stupid pigeon had laid an egg. There was no nest or anything, just an egg sitting there.

You can see it a little better in this photo.

I went back inside and moaned about it to Dom who thought it was hysterically funny. He asked me if I was going to sit on it. No! I planned to get rid of it. Then he accused me of killing baby pigeons. I threatened to give him a pigeon egg as part of his Sunday lunch.

I did feel a little bad when I picked up the egg (with gloves) and put it in the organic recycling but not badly enough to encourage the pigeons by leaving the egg. Not that I believe there is any chance of it surviving. Not with no nest on top of the hard tile. That pigeon really is stoopid!

Lest anyone think I am totally heartless I did keep Dom from destroying the sparrow nest up in the gutter at the far end of the patio. I can hear the little sparrows peeping away now. Hopefully they will leave the next soon and then we will see if we can knock down the next. If you look at the top picture in this post you can almost see some straw poking out where the gutte meets the wall. That's the sparrow nest.

Yes, I have not been posting regularly. However, we really have not done too much that is new or different. We are getting out most days for a jaunt here or there but mostly for chores. Tomorrow we are off to Venice for the day to see some America's Cup racing. I will definitely post about that over the weekend.

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