The limited posts over the last few days probably clued you in that we have been molto occupato (busy).
Saturday was spent working in the fields. Dom continued cutting grass with the frulino (strimmer/weed whacker) while I raked it into small haystacks. Luckily the grass is very dry so it piles up easily. The warm weather has meant we generally work for three to four hours in the mornings before breaking for lunch and then running errands, working inside or just kicking back. We went out for pizza in the evening. My pizza Messico with pepperoni, red pepper flakes, olives, artichokes and mushrooms was REALLY tasty!

On Sunday we rose early and drove to the town of Capannori where the weekly marcia podistica (non-competitive walkers’ march) was held. It was a lovely morning—clear and crisp. At 7 am the sun was just coming up over the hills. We enjoyed our 6 kilometer excursion, especially the opportunity to explore on foot another picturesque town in the Province of Lucca. The walk ranged through autumn fields where we could hear hunters and their dogs stalking the wily bird, past quiet factory buildings, suburban-seeming clutches of houses, the modernish town center and finally wound back to the older part of the city where the start/finish was located.
Later in the afternoon, after watching a recording of the Japanese Formula 1 race, we spent several hours at the local bar catching up with local friends.
Monday, Dom again worked in the fields while I cleaned the house and prepped for a dinner party. Dom’s adventure of the day involved trying to stabilize one of the end posts for the grape trellis. Unfortunately, our neighbors’ irrigation pipe ran just where he was digging. As water spurted out he said his first thought was to run back to the house and tell me we were heading back to Whidbey Island early. Rather than that he found the neighbors’ Ivaldo and Osvaldo and the three of them repaired the pipe, reburied it and reset the trellis post. The first I heard of it was when he showed up at the house and laughingly told me there had been un piccolo incidente (a little accident).
Our dinner party was very successful. American friends Mary and Orlando and Joy and Bob joined us for “Mexican night.” Several spice packets, tortillas and Cougar Gold cheese transported from the U.S. provided the basis for a meal of chips and guacamole and salsa, enchiladas, fajita chicken and peppers, mixed salad and crème caramel with fruit. Given the dearth of ethnic cuisine in Italy our friends living here full-time really appreciated the opportunity for a taste of something different. Bob even wore his Cabo San Lucas fire department t-shirt! And, next time we decided we are going to tackle margheritas.
We also stopped at the frantoio (mill) on Monday and moved our appointment up a week. Our olives are ready to pick now. The early ripening varieties are hanging heavy and black on the trees while the rest are just beginning to turn from bright green to a mottled purplish color. So, our harvest begins next Monday and we take the olives to be pressed on October 23. Our goal this year is to do better than our best harvest of about 100 kgs.
Yesterday, we really felt lazy and took the opportunity to kick back and veg. Well, not completely. I managed to catch up on emails, add to the blog (finally!) and get the rest of the party cleanup finished. After dinner our friend Anna stopped by for coffee, cookies and a nice chat.
Today found us once more out in the fields. Most of the grass is now cut and raked. Dom kept at the last of it while I finished trimming the suckers and weeds from the base of the olives. I also cut back the grapevines. Where they had found their way into the olive trees I had to carefully cut them free so as not to disturb the fruit. After that I moved the smaller haystacks into bigger ones closer to where we burn. Now it is a matter of waiting for a rainy day to burn. Since that is forecast for tomorrow or Friday it looks like we are in good shape.
This afternoon Dom needed a haircut so we drove into Lucca. While he got hi
s new do I walked into the main part of town, hung out at a bookstore and read the adverts in the real estate offices. On the way home we stopped at Mary and Orlando’s house to return something they left at ours. Our nice visit with them included prosecco, beer, nibbles and an introduction to their friend Massimo.
Since it is nearly 8 pm I had better get this posted and do something about dinner before Dom is asleep on the couch.
Saturday was spent working in the fields. Dom continued cutting grass with the frulino (strimmer/weed whacker) while I raked it into small haystacks. Luckily the grass is very dry so it piles up easily. The warm weather has meant we generally work for three to four hours in the mornings before breaking for lunch and then running errands, working inside or just kicking back. We went out for pizza in the evening. My pizza Messico with pepperoni, red pepper flakes, olives, artichokes and mushrooms was REALLY tasty!
On Sunday we rose early and drove to the town of Capannori where the weekly marcia podistica (non-competitive walkers’ march) was held. It was a lovely morning—clear and crisp. At 7 am the sun was just coming up over the hills. We enjoyed our 6 kilometer excursion, especially the opportunity to explore on foot another picturesque town in the Province of Lucca. The walk ranged through autumn fields where we could hear hunters and their dogs stalking the wily bird, past quiet factory buildings, suburban-seeming clutches of houses, the modernish town center and finally wound back to the older part of the city where the start/finish was located.
Later in the afternoon, after watching a recording of the Japanese Formula 1 race, we spent several hours at the local bar catching up with local friends.
Monday, Dom again worked in the fields while I cleaned the house and prepped for a dinner party. Dom’s adventure of the day involved trying to stabilize one of the end posts for the grape trellis. Unfortunately, our neighbors’ irrigation pipe ran just where he was digging. As water spurted out he said his first thought was to run back to the house and tell me we were heading back to Whidbey Island early. Rather than that he found the neighbors’ Ivaldo and Osvaldo and the three of them repaired the pipe, reburied it and reset the trellis post. The first I heard of it was when he showed up at the house and laughingly told me there had been un piccolo incidente (a little accident).
Our dinner party was very successful. American friends Mary and Orlando and Joy and Bob joined us for “Mexican night.” Several spice packets, tortillas and Cougar Gold cheese transported from the U.S. provided the basis for a meal of chips and guacamole and salsa, enchiladas, fajita chicken and peppers, mixed salad and crème caramel with fruit. Given the dearth of ethnic cuisine in Italy our friends living here full-time really appreciated the opportunity for a taste of something different. Bob even wore his Cabo San Lucas fire department t-shirt! And, next time we decided we are going to tackle margheritas.
We also stopped at the frantoio (mill) on Monday and moved our appointment up a week. Our olives are ready to pick now. The early ripening varieties are hanging heavy and black on the trees while the rest are just beginning to turn from bright green to a mottled purplish color. So, our harvest begins next Monday and we take the olives to be pressed on October 23. Our goal this year is to do better than our best harvest of about 100 kgs.
Today found us once more out in the fields. Most of the grass is now cut and raked. Dom kept at the last of it while I finished trimming the suckers and weeds from the base of the olives. I also cut back the grapevines. Where they had found their way into the olive trees I had to carefully cut them free so as not to disturb the fruit. After that I moved the smaller haystacks into bigger ones closer to where we burn. Now it is a matter of waiting for a rainy day to burn. Since that is forecast for tomorrow or Friday it looks like we are in good shape.
This afternoon Dom needed a haircut so we drove into Lucca. While he got hi
Since it is nearly 8 pm I had better get this posted and do something about dinner before Dom is asleep on the couch.
1 comment:
We love reading your blog, Louise, and are looking forward to visiting you and Dom in your patch of paradise. The one good thing about renting our apt. in Italy (and in the city!) is no outdoor chores!! Secretly Rachel envies all your chores but non io! We both, however,were envious of you all eating Mexican food- despite living in the best place in the world for food, we too miss our Mexican fix.
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