Monday, May 2, 2011

Moving Day-Finally!

The movers brought our stuff from storage today.  They used a cute little lift contraption to "elevate" everything from the lawn in front of our building to our terrace.  Here are some pictures.

The little lift contraption is on a trailer and they rolled it into position on planks across the lawn.

Once it was in position they extended the ladder portion. It did not look much heftier than a sturdy extension ladder.

Here is Giorgio positioning the lift against the balustrade. He and his wife bought our house in Partigliano and they are expecting their first child in the fall.

Here are a few things heading up on the lift. They never put too much on it but it brought everything up including our hefty granite topped buffet.

This is the current view from the kitchen into the living/dining area. Note Dom in the far corner.

We are both really tired this evening but nearly all the boxes are unpacked and Dom put together the armadio so we have someplace to hang clothes.  It is all coming along quite nicely.

1 comment:

La vita Alessandria said...

Louis and Dom: Congratulations on your new abode. It looks wonderful. I have been following your most recent mind salivates over your adventures.
Rachel and Kim

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